首页标题    光纤槽    光纤槽概述



❖ 光纤槽(Fiber optic ducting raceway)


  • 模块化(Modularization)
  • 免工具、免打孔(Tool freeUnperforated)




     The components of Fodex series products adopt modular design, and the components are assembled with universal quick connectors, which greatly simplifies the facility scheme; The components can be disassembled quickly, which greatly reduces the labor intensity and improves the installation efficiency.

       Fodex offers three quick mounting solutions: general type, pin type and clasp type. Among them, tool free and hole free design of the general type brings great convenience for quick implementation.





❖ PPO(聚苯醚)


  • 低烟无卤LSZH(Low smoke and halogen free LSZH)
  • 阻燃UL94 V0(Flame retardant UL94 V0)
  • 环保EEU RoHS(Environmental EEU RoHS)


      FODEX光纤槽采用世界500强企业生产的Noryl PPO(PPO,聚苯醚)。PPO是一种低烟无卤环保材料,其固有的高强度、高刚度、高耐热性、良好的电气性能、优异的水解稳定性、高抗蠕变性等等,使其具有与生俱来的高阻燃性能、高耐候性能、低比重、出色的尺寸稳定性、优良的机械性能及化学性能。PPO属于特种硬质工程塑料,在工业应用中可设计取代冲压钢,压铸金属及黄铜功能组件,是光纤室内敷设及数据中心光纤布线的最佳载体。




    Fodex optical fiber ducting raceway adopts NORYL PPO (PPO, polyphenylene oxide) produced by the world's top 500 enterprises. PPO is a kind of low smoke and halogen-free environmental protection material. Its inherent high strength, high stiffness, high heat resistance, good electrical performance, excellent hydrolysis stability, high creep resistance and so on make it have inherent high flame retardant performance, high weather resistance, low specific gravity, excellent dimensional stability, excellent mechanical properties and chemical properties. PPO is a special hard engineering plastic, which can be designed to replace stamping steel, die-casting metal and brass functional components in industrial applications. It is the best carrier for optical fiber indoor laying and data center optical fiber wiring.

     PPO is flame retardant. Its good self-extinguishing performance can prevent the rapid spread of fire in case of fire, fight for valuable time for rescue, and reduce casualties and property losses.

    PPO has the characteristics of low smoke. The smoke will not be generated during the combustion, which reduces the suffocation risk of on-site personnel; Low concentration smoke can ensure the visibility of the air, which is conducive to the evacuation and escape of people, and ensure the smooth progress of fire rescue and rescue

      PPO is halogen-free. Halogen substances will not escape under normal temperature and will not cause harm to the operation and maintenance personnel; In case of high temperature and fire, halogenated acid will not be produced to avoid strong acid gas burning respiratory tract and other organs…





❖ 产品系列(Product lines)


    FODEX提供两种系列的产品(Two series products):   






❖ 十年质保(10-year assurance)


  • ISO9001 ISO14001
  • RoHS
  • UL2024A



      FODEX严格管控原材料来源,全系列产品采用国际知名企业的特级Noryl PPO制造,并自始至终执行严格的品检品控标准。




      PPO is a special engineering plastic with excellent physical and chemical properties. Its high rigidity, high toughness and excellent weather resistance meet the application requirements in the most severe environment.

      Fodex strictly controls the source of raw materials. The whole series of products are manufactured by the top-grade NORYL PPO of international well-known enterprises, and the strict quality inspection and control standards are implemented from beginning to end.

      Fodex adheres to the tenet of quality first and service first, creates a good made in China brand image, establishes the industry-leading technical quality standard system, and ensures that its products meet the most stringent application requirements.

      We promise to provide our customers with 10-year quality assurance.






❖ 系统图(Installation principle)








3.水平弯头(Horizontal elbow)

4.垂直弯头(Vertical elbow)

5.水平三通(Horizontal tee)  

6.垂直三通(Vertical tee)

7.水平四通(Horizontal four links)



10.端盖(End cap)







❖ 规格选择(Specifications)





      Fodex provides five different sizes of optical fiber ducting raceway (50x50 signs downcomer size or bellows size in the table) to meet different line capacity requirements. In addition to the current solution requirements, users should also consider the future expansion requirements. Different application environments have different requirements for cable changes. Users should choose the redundancy requirements according to the application situation.

       We provide a full range of products for fiber optic cabling solutions, including adapting to the diverse requirements of different routes.




Note: the capacity of the center line in the table is the data under the condition of ensuring the safety of the cable, such as the reference number of the cable under the condition of free from extrusion, deformation and bending, and incomplete filling.





❖ 颜色选择(Colors)





      Generally, Fodex provides a full range of bright yellow products. In some special application fields, users need to implement differential identification for different application types of systems. For example, it is used to distinguish operation network and redundant network, network of different systems, network of different operators, 10 Gigabit copper network (10 Gigabit copper link has higher requirements for cable bending radius), which may produce diversified requirements for optical fiber ducting raceway color to facilitate management and differentiation.

      Under specific conditions, Fodex can respond to the customized service needs of users.







❖ 连接件选择(Connector)





      Fodex provides three most commonly used quick connectors. Users need to select the connector types according to the selected Fodex product series. When the three quick connectors are used interchangeably at some time, they need to punch holes in some system components. The wrong choice may bring more workload and cost waste!


  • 通用式:将有或没有预置连接孔的系统组件和直线段连接在一起(General type: connect the system components with or without preset connection holes with the straight section)



      Fodex provides general connectors without preset connection holes, which only need to be connected by crimping. Clip the connector into the ends of the two components to be connected, and turn each locking button on the connector. The general connector is also suitable for the system components with preset connection holes, and the use mode is the same as the connection as the components without preset connection holes are consistent.





  • 销接式:将有预置栓接孔的系统组件和直线段连接在一起(Pin type: connect the system components with preset bolt holes with the straight section)


      Pin connections are only applicable to system components with preset bolted holes, not for non-preset connections system assembly of the bolted hole. For cut straight segments, when using a pin connector, new connection holes need to be made.






  • 扣接式:将有预置连接孔的系统组件和直线段连接在一起 (Clasp type: connect the system components with preset connection holes with the straight line segment)


      Snap on connector is only suitable for system components with preset snap on holes, not for system components without preset snap on holes system components of the snap hole. For the straight section that has been cut, when using the snap on connector, A special punching tool is needed to make a new buckle hole.




❖600x100系统(600x600 series)


       FODEX具有的600 mm x 100 mm光纤槽系列提供了最大容量的光纤布线,可敷设直径2mm的光缆多达7500根(50%填充率),从而使以前最大的300mmx100mm系统的容量翻倍。

        600mm x 100 mm系统与大多数其他FODEX系统部件兼容,包括弯头、出线口和变径等,且易于安装。


      Fodex's 600 mm x 100 mm optical fiber ducting raceway series provides the maximum capacity of optical fiber wiring, which can lay up to 7500 optical cables with a diameter of 2 mm (50% fill rate), thus doubling the capacity of the previous largest 300 mm x 100 mm system.

      The 600 mm x 100 mm system is compatible with most other Fodex system components, including elbows, outlets and reducers, and is easy to install.







❖储纤盘/绕纤盘(Fiber storage/reel disk)




      With the rapid development of 5G, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet, cloud computing and Internet of things, users' requirements for network speed, bandwidth and network security of the data center are also increasing rapidly. The data center is moving forward from gigabit network to 10G, 40G, 100G and 400G, and is in the process of rapid change, which brings a revolution to the wiring system. Optical cable replaces copper cable, Pre termination replaces fusion, 12 core, 24 core MTP /      MPO and other factory customized products have been widely used, and will develop at a faster speed.

      In order to adapt to the changing needs of the site, factory prefabrication has to carry out redundant design for the route, which brings great challenges to the management of redundant length optical cable! Fodex fiber storage disk / fiber winding disk is used to safely store excess length of optical fiber and cable, which brings great convenience to cable laying and management in data center!



  • 储纤盘/绕纤盘A型:可并联于光纤链路(Fiber storage/reel disk Type A:Used in parallel with optical fiber route)






  • 储纤盘/绕纤盘B型:可置于光纤链未端或端接于任意需要的链路位置(Fiber storage/reel disk Type B:Used in any cable route)






❖下线方式(Spill-out mode)




A:侧边嵌入式下线器(Side Embedded Spill-Out Junction Fitting)





B:侧边移动式下线器(Side Movable Spill-Over Junction Fitting)












❖制订清单(Formulate a scheme)



  •  根据图纸布局,绘制光纤槽路由,并标注支架布置图(According to the drawing layout, draw the optical fiber ducting raceway route, and mark the bracket layout) 


     The standard spacing of optical fiber ducting raceway bracket is 0.9m, and the maximum spacing is not more than 1.2m. When it is used for copper link, the bracket spacing is 0.6m. If possible, the support should be set as close to the connection as possible, and consideration should be given to sharing the support position with other front, rear, left and right bridge systems.


  • 根据线量及冗余要求选定各部分尺寸(Select the size of each part according to the line quantity and redundancy requirements)


    A certain amount of redundancy should be considered in the selection of optical fiber ducting raceway size to meet the demand of line increase that may occur in the operation process.


  • 根据图纸,计算总量,列出清单(According to the drawing, calculate the total amount and make a list)


    Ensure that all components, including connectors, brackets, end caps and bellows, are included in the list. We strongly recommend to increase the allowance of about 10% for connectors and supports.